Medical & Health2 Monthly Simple Quick Exams for Men and Women For Good Health

2 Monthly Simple Quick Exams for Men and Women For Good Health

These 2 Monthly Simple Quick Exams for Men and Women For Good Health can be the key to catching early warning signs of breast or testicular Cancer.  With a simple quick exam that can be done  in the privacy of our own homes, early detection and treatment is possible.

2 Monthly Simple Quick Exams for Men and Women For Good Health

Everyone gets caught up in the hustle and bustle of joys of everyday living but these two free simple quick body exams can give us a clue if our bodies need a check up with our local doctor.

Hey, if your car was making a clunking noise, you would take it to a mechanic to diagnose if it needed to be fixed. It is the same with your body: find a lump and head to the doctor. Early detection is the key.

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I am going to share a private experience that if it helps one person that it will be worth my slight embarrassment.

Years before I met my wonderful husband of 8 years, I was dating a man named Todd. Todd rarely ever went to the doctor, he was more like the kind of guy who said “Rub dirt on it and walk it off” if he got injured.

Todd and I had sexual relations and during this time I felt something very odd on his testicles. I expressed my concern which he tried to brush away with a joke. An verbal disagreement ensued and ended with the statement if he did not go to the doctor our relationship was over. We both went to the doctor appointment together, Todd was examined and yes… he did have testicular Cancer. Three days later, one of his testicles was removed. Todd was 22 years old at the time.

No, Todd and I did not live happily ever after with each other but he did survive and is enjoying life to the fullest. My point is, women can help examine their partners as well.
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Click here to read more about these simple body checks we can do at home to be aware of Cancer invading our bodies:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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