Gardening27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

27 Medicinal Plants Worth Your Garden Space

 27 medicinal plants worth your garden space.

Setting a aside a portion of your garden to grow herbs, flowers, shrubs and even a tree with healing properties is an excellent way to give your family organic supply for your herbal tinctures and salves.

In times past, our homesteading ancestors had to relay on the earth to heal their ailments and the knowledge was treasured.

This is one of the most important skills you can trust & inspire yourself to learn.

Click here to read the article:


The Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook: A Home Manual

Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine

Herbal Antibiotics, 2nd Edition: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-resistant Bacteria

Herbal Healing for Children

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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