Garden Beds4 X 4 Raised Garden Bed With Benches

4 X 4 Raised Garden Bed With Benches

        In just a few hours you can build this 4 x 4 raised garden bed with benches that is perfect for older or less able gardeners. It is 18 inches high which means you don’t have to stoop down as far and with the benches on each side you can sit to weed and harvest your produce without straining. This is a really nice looking garden bed and I can picture a few of these set up in any back yard. What I really like about raised gardens is that if you keep them mulched you have far fewer weeds to deal with and since the soil is never walked on it doesn’t get compacted like a regular garden can.

4 X 4 Raised Garden Bed With Benches

    I have 3  8 x 4 raised beds but I sure which I had seen these instructions first. Mine are not as high and they don’t have benches which would be really great with my arthritic knees. Bonnie Plants shares the plans for this raised garden bed with benches and says it will take about four hours to build one but you can do it even faster if you have the wood pre cut for you.

          The also give us the cost. ” Approximate Cost (not including soil or plants): $95 if using treated lumber, $250 if using cedar (based on 2014 prices)”  Cedar is pricey but a lot of folks don’t want the treated lumber for their gardens. This would be really inexpensive if you happen to have some old cedar around that you could repurpose.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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