Juicing & SmoothiesCinnamon Roll Clean Eating Smoothie Recipe

Cinnamon Roll Clean Eating Smoothie Recipe

This delightfully delicious Cinnamon Roll clean eating smoothie recipe is a drinkable sweet treat that is actually part of clean eating. Sometimes you just need to satisfy sweet cravings that your body is yearning for but you can do it in a manner that will not throw away all the hard work you have invested in changing your diet to healthier options. This is a perfect recipe for this time of year since it is fall and the ovens can be on again and you can bake. The smell of cinnamon in rolls, apple pies and all types of fall recipes is like the epitome of a fall scent. But here you get to enjoy the cinnamon roll clean clean eating smoothie without having to bake anything. I think this would be a great frozen treat as well as a smoothie. Double the recipe for your morning smoothie and then put half in the freezer to eat in the evening as a frozen treat, yummy.

 Cinnamon Roll Clean Eating Smoothie Recipe

Ingredients for Cinnamon Roll smoothie:
– frozen bananas
– coconut water ice cube
– rolled oats
– tablespoon cacao nibs
– tablespoon natural almond butter
– teaspoon cinnamon
– date, pitted and diced
– unsweetened almond milk

Click here to read about Cinnamon Roll Smoothie recipe:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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