Essential OilsEssential Oil Deep Muscle Rub of WHITE FLOWER OIL Recipe

Essential Oil Deep Muscle Rub of WHITE FLOWER OIL Recipe

This amazing copycat essential oil deep muscle rub of WHITE FLOWER OIL recipe is a fabulous way to create your own warming massage oil for congestion, headaches, aches, pains and travel sicknesses.

Essential Oil Deep Muscle Rub of WHITE FLOWER OIL Recipe

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For many years doctors and other health experts have been recommending certain products when it comes to relieving the discomfort from sore, tight muscles. Unfortunately, the majority of these products all contain the same type of ingredients that do for the most part offer some degree of relief, but the smell is not very pleasant. This recipe features a unique ingredient that delivers the same type of relief, but it has a soothing, pleasant scent.


Wintergreen essential oil

Eucalyptus essential oil

Peppermint essential oil



Menthol crystals – add several crystals equivalent to ~15% right into the bottle. They’ll dissolve readily. Adding menthol is optional, but it gives more synergy and depth to the blend. Menthol is what makes it ‘icy hot’!

Carrier oil (Sweet Almond Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Avocado Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Olive Oil… or any other choice)

The creator of the recipe was looking for an all natural alternative to all of the creams and ointments on the market. These usually contain numerous ingredients that no one could possible pronounce. The main ingredient is White Flower Oil and it delivers the desired relief, but it has a soothing scent. No more unpleasant odor often associated with most of the over the counter preparations.

Benefits of following the Essential Oil Deep Muscle Rub of WHITE FLOWER OIL Recipe

● Use is to make a soothing massage oil that the whole family will love, without the unpleasant smell

● Recipe includes a complete list of all of the ingredients and other supplies you will need to have on hand

● Includes a very easy to read and understand instruction guide on how to make it

● It has several pictures that will provide a nice visual representation of the recipe

Click here to read about essential oil deep muscle rub of WHITE FLOWER OIL recipe:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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