RecipesFermenting Spring Veggies For Probiotic Goodness

Fermenting Spring Veggies For Probiotic Goodness

When you ferment fruits and vegetables by lacto fermentation you get a food that is rich in probiotics and very good for your gut health. There are quite a few benefits to lacto fermentation that are just not found in commercial pickling. According to Nancy Lee Bentley on Mercola,Though the term “fermented” sounds vaguely distasteful, the results of this ancient preparation and preservation technique – produced through the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins by microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and molds – are actually delicious.


Fermenting Spring Veggies For Probiotic Goodness
divine health from the insideout


Even more so, they are so beneficial to overall health that some of these “functional foods” are now considered to be “probiotics,” increasing your overall nutrition, promoting the growth of friendly intestinal bacteria, and aiding digestion and supporting immune function, including an increase in B vitamins (even Vitamin B12), omega-3 fatty acids, digestive enzymes, lactase and lactic acid, and other immune chemicals that fight off harmful bacteria and even cancer cells.

All of those benefits just from fermenting some of your spring fruits and vegetables. That is an amazing reward for a little bit of work. Fermenting is usually pretty easy to do. It mainly consists of adding a salt water brine and an air lock to allow for escaping gas as the food ferments. Once fermented, the food will usually store well in a fridge. Sauerkraut can even be made in a five gallon bucket with a heavy plate to fit the diameter and weighed down to keep the cabbage below water level.

When making it you don’t even add water, you simply grate the cabbage, add salt and let it do the rest. Here is a round-up from Gnowfglins of over 30 recipes that you can use to ferment your spring fruits and vegetables so that you and your family can reap the health benefits of all that crunchy, sour, healthy goodness.

Click for the round-up>>>>>>>>Fermenting Spring Veggies For Probiotic Goodness

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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