GardeningGrowing and Harvesting Amaranth on your Homestead

Growing and Harvesting Amaranth on your Homestead

These amazing tips for growing and harvesting Amaranth on your homestead is another self sufficiency food source for feeding your family.

This is a tutorial on how to grow and harvest your own amaranth. The best part about this amazing grain is that it can be used throughout its growth stages for multiple things. Early after planting, it can be used as a leafy vegetable. Later on, it can be popped or ground into a flour. It can also be toasted and eaten as a seed or a nut. And, with this tutorial, the best part is that you can use it throughout these stages because you’ll have an entire garden full of amaranth!

The key nutrients are fiber, iron, B vitamins and protein. 1 cup of Amaranth flour contains 16 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber. Amaranth contains a peptide, lunasin that may protect against certain types of cancers, as well as diabetes, heart diease and stroke.

The tutorial will take you through the several steps that you’ll need to follow to create your own amaranth crop. These plants are rather hardy and can grow well, especially during the summer. And while the harvesting process can be a bit intimidating, this guide will walk you through them to make the process very simple.

When a visiting friend (Mary) who lives in Democratic Republic of Congo visited, she imparted the knowledge about how people harvest small, young and tender Amaranth leaves that are then prepared much like collard greens.

People across the Western world are becoming more and more health conscious, which has led to an entire movement of eating once forgotten super foods. If you’re at all interested in your health and have been paying attention to these new trends, you’re probably aware of the rise in popularity of amaranth, an ancient grain.

Not only is this grain high in fiber and iron, it also has bunches of vitamins and minerals in it, making it a great addition to your daily diet. And, the good news is, you can grow your own amaranth at home!

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Growing and Harvesting Amaranth on your Homestead

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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