Raising LivestockWhich Yard Weeds You Can Feed Your Chickens

Which Yard Weeds You Can Feed Your Chickens

Which yard weeds you can feed your chickens is a commonly asked question for the frugal homesteader that is feeding a flock. Your chicken will love the healthy yet delicious variety in their diet and you will love the reduction in feed costs.
Which Yard Weeds You Can Feed Your Chickens

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When it comes to raising chickens in the backyard one needs to know what is growing wild in the yard to ensure that they don’t get into something that is toxic. If you are not so lucky to have weeds that grow wild in the yard, you can easily find an open field that is full of a wide variety of weeds. They can easily be collected and presented to the chickens as a treat through the year.

One thing to consider is that while many variety of wild weeds are potential sources of nutrition for your chickens, there are a list of weeds that are considered toxic. This article was written and shared in order so that it can serve as a ready resource for people that are looking to raise chickens in their backyard. It includes a listing of the good and not so good weeds that are commonly found in yards all over the country.

List of Delicious Yard Weeds:

Beautyberry ,Bee Balm, Bitter Cress, Burweed, Catchweed, Bedstraw, Catsear, Chickweed, Clover, Dandelion, Evening Primrose, Fat Hen, Hawkweed, Mousear Chickweed, Mugwort, Nettles, Oxalis, Plantain, Purple Deadnettle, Purslane, Shiny Cudweed, Shotweed, Smartweed, Wild Carrot, Wild Carolina Geranium, Wild Strawberry, Wild Violets and Yarrow.

The benefits of reading the article Which Yard Weeds You Can Feed Your Chickens

● The article includes a very extensive list of most nutritious varieties of weeds

● It also has a list of the potentially dangerous weeds that are toxic to chickens

● To make it easier to pick them out it includes full color photos of the weeds

Click here to read about which yard weeds you can feed your chickens:


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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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