CleanersHomemade Magic Eraser Frugal Cleaning Scrub

Homemade Magic Eraser Frugal Cleaning Scrub

This step by step tutorial of how to make a homemade magic eraser frugal cleaning scrub will become a constant go to house cleaning recipe.

Houses get dirty. Even if you’re the cleanest person in the world, there will be accidents and mistakes that result in stains, scratches, or just general grubbiness. This is probably why Mr. Clean Magic Erasers became such a necessity for homeowners when it came on the market.

Magic eraser little sponges certainly have incredible cleaning power, if you go through several a week, or even a month, it can get pretty expensive. Plus, they tend to crumble apart, which means they can’t be reused.

Thankfully, this guide will teach you how to make your own Magic Erasers frugal cleaning scrub. This tutorial doesn’t just make a mixture that has fewer chemicals in it, you can also reuse the sponges as many times as you want, you’ll just have to make more of the mixture.

The ingredients you’ll need for this guide are:

– Borax
– Baking Soda
– Water

To create the mixture, the Borax is mixed with the hot water and then the baking soda is added. It’s a very simple recipe, but also very effective. As the tutorial goes on to say, it has been used to clean walls of multiple colors and, so far, none of the paint has come off. It can get everything out, from pencil marks and hand prints to markers and pens. While you might have to adjust how long you scrub, this mixture should get the job done for you.

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Homemade Magic Eraser Cleaning Scrub
Homemade Magic Eraser Cleaning Scrub


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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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