GardeningHow To Grow Cinnamon Plant in Your Homestead Garden

How To Grow Cinnamon Plant in Your Homestead Garden

This simple method of how to grow Cinnamon plant in your homestead garden is an interesting addition. Everyone needs spice in their life, and one of the easiest spices you can add to your garden is cinnamon.

How To Grow Cinnamon Plant in Your Homestead Garden

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One of the hallmarks of homestead gardening is that you grow the essentials to support your family. But “the essentials” aren’t just beans, potatoes, and summer squash.

Despite it’s connotations with chilly autumn days and Christmas treats, cinnamon is a tropical plant, so you may need to grow it indoors depending on where you live. Although it takes several years from seedling til your first harvest, cinnamon is extremely easy and low-maintenance.

Ready to grow your very own cinnamon sticks? Read on!

Getting Started

• Start by purchasing a cinnamon plant seedling (genus cinnamomum).

• Re-pot it in acidic soil, such as a succulent potting mix.

• Keep it indoors or out, in partial to full sun.

• Make sure the temperature stays above 60 degrees. If you live in a cooler, seasonal climate, leave your plant in a pot so you can take it in during winter.

• Keep the pot or soil well-drained, and be careful not to over water. It’s easy to drown cinnamon than to dry it out.


• After two years of healthy growth, trim the plant back to the base.

• Allow new shoots to grow from the base for about another two years.

• Cut the shoots back to the base again. The shoots you’ve just cut are your cinnamon sticks.

• Carefully peel back the bark and leave it in a sunny spot to dry.

• Store in an airtight container.

Click here to read about how to grow Cinnamon plant in your homestead garden:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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