RecipesHow To Make Pickled Corn

How To Make Pickled Corn

If you have never eaten pickled corn you really need to make some and try it. When I was growing up in Ohio you could find pickled corn in  most everyone’s pantry. Lots of people pickled corn back then at least they did in that area. For years I have been wanting some pickled corn, I had no clue how to make it because I was just a kid when we moved away from there and I never saw pickled corn again. But I would get random craving for some. I searched for it in just about every store I ever went into and at farmers market but never had any luck finding it. I could find corn relish and even corn that was pickled nut still on the cob which wasn’t the same.

Well it might be the same but the way I love to eat pickled corn is to save the bacon dripping when I fry bacon and then get that grease good and hot as fry the corn in it till is gets a little brown all over. There is nothing in the world that tastes quite like pickled corn fried in bacon grease, it is so delicious. So last year I got a craving again and decided to try searching online since there are so many stores that sell food items online I thought maybe someone from down there has started a pickled corn selling business (well I was hoping) . I never did find any of the kind I was looking for, I did find the pickled corn on cob and those little baby corn you see in Chinese restaurants that were pickled but then finally!!

I found a site where a lady that grew up in Kentucky right across the river from where I grew up) had both eaten and made pickled corn all her life and she bless her pickled corn making heart shares the recipe and instructions so I can make it my self. She shares the recipe on Dave’s Garden and if you like pickled vegetables you should give pickled corn a try, just make sure you take it off the cob so you can fry it in bacon grease. It is so good.


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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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