DessertsQuick Bread Recipe Round Up 100 Plus Recipes

Quick Bread Recipe Round Up 100 Plus Recipes

           Find a recipe for your favorite quick bread or find a recipe for a new favorite, either way this fantastic round-up of over 100 quick bread recipes is sure to come in handy for any one that loves quick breads. I am one of the people who love quick breads. I love them for the ease of making them and the quickness and the variety and the fact that I can make up a few and once cooled I can wrap them in aluminum, butcher paper or put them in a freezer bag and freeze them until I need them. I think the freezing part is actually what i like the best.

        Quick Bread Recipe Round Up 100 Plus Recipes

It is so nice to be able to pull out a quick bread when you need or want one. If you like your quick breads warm you can wrap them in foil once they have thawed and put them in the oven at 300 for about 12 minutes and then its like you just took it out of the oven warmed. The only thing about freezing quick bread is that if the recipe calls for frosting, glaze or similar topping you should add that after it comes out of the freezer and thaws and most of those won’t defrost well. That is just one small step though and takes a lot less time to do that to make a quick bread, bake and cool it and then add a topping so I still love freezing them.

       If unexpected quests drop in you can pull out a quick bread to go with coffee or as dessert and if you get invited somewhere you can take one along as an addition to a meal or just a hostess gift.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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