Wild Food ForagingSimple Rules to Foraging for Free Wild Food

Simple Rules to Foraging for Free Wild Food

These simple rules to foraging for free wild food are a basic guideline that provide that finding wild food stays safe and sustainable. Finding edible free plants it can be a healthy alternative to the assembly line foods we find at the grocery store. While most people choose the option that they feed their families from grocery stores – there are other ways…

Simple Rules to Foraging for Free Wild Food

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Finding yourself lost in an unfamiliar area without food, having a knowledge of finding edible plants and roots can be a lifesaver. The term often used to describe this is foraging.

A skilled forager is able to quickly locate and identify plants and roots that are not only edible, but also provide needed nutrients in order to preserve life. This article was written in a way that delivers a lot of useful information and is also very easy to understand at the same time. Knowing how to find a source of food is extremely important if you ever find yourself stranded in the wilderness.

● It has a full color photo that shows a variety of edible wild plants and roots that can be found in the wild

● It is presented in a very easy read and understand format

● It contains a wealth of knowledge that could help keep you alive in an emergency

Click here to read about simple rules to foraging for free wild food are a basic guideline:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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