Food Storage & SkillsSweet and Spicy Canning Zucchini Pickles

Sweet and Spicy Canning Zucchini Pickles

The significance of pickles mostly in the vegetarian diet cannot be exaggerated. Pickles contain large amounts of bacteria lactobacilli, which are important to the digestion of grains and vegetables. Scientific research has shown that these “friendly” bacteria survive the trip through the acidic juices of the stomach to the small intestine.

Other benefits of pickles relate to specific types, such as the alkalinizing properties of umeboshi and the high niacin content of bran pickles. One property common to all pickles is high fibre, which is so important to proper intestinal cleansing and functioning.

Sweet and Spicy Zucchini Pickles makes everyone yearn for the zucchini plants to over-produce. No matter how many jars you make each year, they will always be less.

The ingredients include:

• Zucchini
• Medium onion
• Coarse salt
• Ice cubes
• Apple cider vinegar
• White vinegar
• Sugar
• Whole mustard seed
• Whole black peppercorns
• Ground Turmeric
• Crushed red pepper

Carefully sort the ingredients, meticulously wash the jars, fill them leaving just the right amount of head-space, and secure them with clean lids and bands before processing.

Photo Source

Sweet and Spicy Homesteading Zucchini Pickles
Sweet and Spicy Homesteading Zucchini Pickles

Click here to read about Sweet and Spicy Canning Zucchini Pickles:



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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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