Raising LivestockThe Deep Litter Method for Cleaning a Chicken Coop

The Deep Litter Method for Cleaning a Chicken Coop

The deep litter method for cleaning a chicken coop and duck pen can save a large amount of labor,cuts down on flies, create warmth in the winter and attracts insects for chickens to eat. Keeping the ducks pen and chicken coops clean can be quite a chore if you are not careful and you end up alienating your unsuspecting neighbors. Depending on how many ducks and chickens you are keeping, the amount of work can easily get out of hand before you know it.
The Deep Litter Method for Cleaning a Chicken Coop

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The deep litter bedding system has become quite popular among homesteads that raise chickens of late.

The general outline of how it works is: start with a 12-inch layer of clean bedding, and leave it there for up to a year. The chickens add manure over time, which they shred as they scratch around, it eventually disappears down into the bedding. The bedding itself breaks down creating rich humus. Insects arrive, burrow into the bedding and the hens are thrilled with the adventure finding and eating them. More bedding is added periodically over time so that the top layer remains dry, and yet underneath it is like a warm, damp compost pile. Done properly there is no rank odor and the hens are happy, busy and healthy.

Raising farm animals in a backyard area can present some very interesting situations if you are not careful or prepared. This is especially true for chickens and ducks.

The author wrote and shared this article in hopes to educate people who are brand new to raising ducks. It is devoted to a single method that has been devised to both be easy to setup and then remain just as easy to maintain throughout the years. By simply adding new layers of the material you select will help to keep the area clean and keep the odor to a minimum.

Benefits of reading and following the deep litter method article

● The article starts out by explaining in detail why the method is preferred

● It also recommends several different materials that can all be used as litter

● It includes a step by step instruction on how to get started

● It has several full color photos depicting some of the different stages

Click here to read about the deep litter method for cleaning a chicken coop:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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