This collection of 10 ways to keep weeds out of your garden suggests a list of creative options that can reduce the dreading homesteading chore of pulling weeds. There really is no need to use harsh chemicals to kill weeds and poison your soil.
Growing your own fruits and vegetables in healthy nourishing soil is one of the key points of harvesting a flavorful bounty for your dinner plate.
If you have ever visited the category on The Homestead Survival website “Wild Food Foraging” – you will find that most of the “weeds” you may view as a nuisance are actually used as food and natural medicine. Nothing on this Earth has no purpose, it is up to us to find out how not to waste the resource. Click here to view wild food foraging section of our website.
Plant In Blocks
Boiling Water
Eat Them
Click here to read about 10 ways to keep weeds out of your garden: