Primitive Skills1949 Radio Show Straight Arrow Survival Skills Cards

1949 Radio Show Straight Arrow Survival Skills Cards

The 1949 radio show “Straight Arrow” also printed survival skills cards which were added in each Shredded Wheat. Shredded Wheat was and still is an American breakfast cereal made by the National Biscuit Company now called Nabisco.

1949 Radio Show Straight Arrow Survival Skills Cards

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Each Straight Arrow tale had Steve reverting to his true “secret Indian identity” in order to right some wrongs, often committed against the Native American Indians. Straight Arrow is Steve much like Clark Kent is Superman. In these efforts Steve was assisted by his golden palomino horse, Fury, and his grizzled side-kick, Packy McCloud.

Living off the land is nourishing and enjoyable and can be made much easier when you have someone to teach you who has been perfecting it for millennia. Some of the best references on a living society who practiced this are outdated. They still remain the closest we can come to learning from these original representations of pre-industrial societies and luckily, the taste for Cowboys and Indians was a lengthy period in American history.

One such reference was made originally for children. In 1949, Nabisco began a merchandising plan that incorporated tricks and tips for camping and scouting based on Indian know how. The cards were termed Injun-uity tips and were designed to share Indian survival skills to attract children.

The cards are a collectors’ item but can be found online and offer clues to making your own pottery, crafting a bow and arrow and properly rolling an Indian Blanket for travel.

They were an excellent reference and the artist was skilled in representing useable steps to follow for anyone interested in the know-how of the original self sufficiency experts.

Click here to read about 1949 radio show “Straight Arrow” also printed survival skills cards :

Click here to view all the survival cards:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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