Check out these 2 methods of cutting perfect slices of bread. Many DIYers are extremely handy with building things and using wood is widely chosen by many of them. Wood is very versatile and can be repurposed and even weathered it still has many uses.
This video was designed to show how you can make an extremely useful slicer with just a few pieces of wood. For folks who are not so handy, you can use an electric knife to slice perfectly thin slices off your homemade loaf.
The Do It Yourself video for making a wooden bread slicing box is from, Woodlogger and the idea for using an electric knife is from Protein man 81. The person who created the DIY project was looking to share how they went about building the unique wooden bagel and bread slicer.
All of the information in the video was presented in a way that made it really easy to watch and follow. If you prefer the electric knife method you can purchase one here.
Benefits of reading the DIY Project: 2 Methods of Cutting Perfect Slices of Bread
Discover how easy it to save money by making your own bread and bagel slicer out of wood.
The project describes all of the materials, supplies, and tools that are necessary for you to get started.
The project also describes in great details all of the necessary steps that you will need to follow in order to build one.
The video format is the perfect way for the creator to convey the information they are wanting to share with the viewers.
Build a wooden cutting guide>
Slice with an electric knife>