Recipes22 Complete Holiday Menus with Recipes

22 Complete Holiday Menus with Recipes

These 22 complete holiday menus with recipes can help you turn Thanksgiving, Christmas and even Easter into a roaring success. Friends and family members will gush compliments at all the delicious food dishes you serve at each holiday gatherings.

As soon as the weather starts to cool, we start to think about the holidays that are dawning ever closer. The first big one of the season is Thanksgiving and all its delicious offerings, most especially the turkey we’ll feast upon that day. A Christmas dinner table also has an offering of turkey or a nice glazed ham.

Most families have their staple sides, dressings, sauces, and other goodies they make each holiday, but what about those of us that are getting tired to the same old thing each year?

How can we take those yearly favorites and present them in a way to make them seem new?

22 Complete Holiday Menus with Recipes

What about maybe adding a new dish or two to the mix?

You may be wondering how you would even want to go about making these changes to your family’s traditional celebration of this holiday.

If you take a look below, you’ll find that there are numerous ways you can add a little style or something new to the table to give your family a new tradition or a change of pace from the old. Maybe it’s your first year hosting the holiday yourself and you want to live up to everyone’s expectations, especially your own.

Whatever your reasons, you’re sure to find something from one of these twenty-two menus to give your family a new holiday dinner or a twist on the old one that will sure to please and satisfy all of their food needs. Choose from retro, elegant, or true twist to the holiday. The choice is yours.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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