Sometimes we find our selves a little strapped for cash. As time goes on and prices keep rising on everything from food to housing we may find our selves even more strapped for cash. Here are four sites where you can barter or trade for things you want or need. The first site is for the avid book readers. This one is called Paperback Swap and this is how it works.
“Trade Books with Our Online Book Swapping Club…
It’s easy: List books you’d like to swap with other club members.
Once a book is requested, mail it to the club member.
In return, you may choose from 4,017,132 available books!
– You pay postage for the books you send out; the books you receive come to you postage-paid.
– Books you request are yours to keep, or swap again!
We’re NOT just Paperback Books! Enjoy trading Hardbacks, Audio Books, Textbooks and more.”

The second one is called SkillsBarter, and this is how it works.
“Free and Anonymous
- Unbiased Advice
- No hidden fees
- Learn something New
Help Others
- Use your trade to help others
- Volunteer
- Enrich your community
- Pay it forward
Social Networking
- Make new friends
- Professional Networking
- Uncover hidden connections”
” Game Trading Zone is a community of people who trade stuff, especially video games.
There are no fees to buy, sell, or trade, and there is a reputation system in place that helps make sure nobody gets scammed. Simply keep track of your wanted and available games in our database and our robust matching system will help you find the trades that you’re interested in.
We’ve been around for over 15 years, and many of our members have years of experience and hundreds of trades under their belt.”
The last one is called Shared Earth and this is what they do.
“Land is Everywhere
There are over 4.5 million acres of unproductive land in backyards across the United States. Let’s start using it! Discover plots of land or gardeners and start growing food together.
Find your match
Shared Earth connects people who have land, with people who want to garden or farm. Search listings and message with nearby gardeners or landowners to get started on your next garden!
Enjoy the fruits of your labor
Not only will you enjoy fresh, local food— you will make a difference in our food system, create communities and raise awareness around local food and health.
All four of these site can help you trade for things you want or need. They are all free to join and have minimal costs like the shipping on a book you have traded to someone. If you wish to check one or more of these sites out just click on the name of the site that is colored blue and you will go to that site. Bartering is a nice way to get things and to clear out some of your unwanted items at the same time. I really like the idea of bartering skills. Maybe someone that cans a lot could trade for getting their washing machine fixed or the leaves raked. A great way to help each other within your own community.