Many homesteading families are searching for ways to make do with less and 6 Steps for Starting a Self Sufficient Lifestyle can help finds ways to do just that.
Are you looking to live on less, grow your own food, conserve energy and be more self-sufficient? Maybe you are just looking for ways to simplify your life. Where ever you find yourself, there are ways you can start today.
Making the transition from a consumer driven life to a simple way of life can often be a challenge. But, if you set your mind to approaching it one-step-at-a-time you will soon be on the road to a self-sufficient lifestyle.
Many think living a self-sufficient lifestyle means moving to the country to raise animals and tend a large garden. It can mean that for some, but for most it means learning how to take care of yourself.
With the economy becoming more difficult and the cost of living skyrocketing, families are feeling the strain. Most are finding themselves working 60 hours a week to keep up with the lifestyle they are accustomed.
Not so long ago we found ourselves falling into that same trap.
We were overwhelmed by consumerism and drowning in debt, doomed to a live a life of unsatisfying purchases and surrounded by like-minded people. As Americans, we gladly followed the crowd to fit in, but behind closed doors we dreamed of a life where how much we made and what brand of clothes we wore didn’t matter.
With one swoop of a for-sale sign, we traded in a life of possession obsession for a life of personal fulfillment.
It wasn’t an easy path, but looking back it saved our lives and taught us that we could be more self-sufficient by just changing the way we lived.
So how did we do it?
We tackled one area of our life at a time, doing what we could with what we had. We changed our mindset and were determined to simplify our life by cutting back and learning that less is really more!
Here are the six areas we concentrated on: (peek below the picture)