HomesteadingAbsolutely Outstanding List of Homesteading Ways to Use Empty Egg Shells

Absolutely Outstanding List of Homesteading Ways to Use Empty Egg Shells

Here is a absolutely outstanding list of homesteading ways to use empty egg shells for so many different purposes that you will regret all those ones you threw out in the trash.  Everything on a frugal homestead can find a second opportunity to be useful.

Egg shells are a incredible source of calcium, strontium and fluorine (not to be mistaken with fluoride).   Eggshell powder increases bone density, promotes cartilage growth and in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Absolutely Outstanding List of Homesteading Ways to Use Empty Egg Shells
Absolutely Outstanding List of Homesteading Ways to Use Empty Egg Shells

To clean stuck/ burnt on food on stainless steel pans, pots and batter dried bowls Crush egg shells and cover with a soapy water soaked wash rag scrubbing in a circular motion to create an abrasive cleaning tool.

If you boil eggs WITHOUT salt, set aside the water and allow to completely cool down. Once room temperature use it to water in your house plants giving them a boost of calcium.

In the garden:

  • Throw your eggshells straight into the compost pile

  • Sprinkle roughly ground up egg shells around your fruits and vegetables plants to kill slugs, snails, and cutworms.. Garden plants also love banana peels, coffee grounds and tea bags to create a kitchen scrap fertilizer.

  • How To Start Seedlings In Eggshells – step by step tutorial – (Click Here)

  • Sprinkle finely ground up egg shells as a slow release supply of calcium to fruit, vegetable (tomatoes, eggplants and peppers especially), rose plants and apple trees every two weeks. Calcium stops bitter pit and cork spot diseases in apple trees.

Please if you are going to bake eggshells then grind up in a blender to eat as a calcium supplement for humans – USE eggshells that have been placed in a rolling boiling water for at least 5 minutes to avoid the risk of a salmonella. You can as bake the egg shells at 350 degrees for ten minutes to sterilize them.

Add boiled crushed egg shells along with your coffee grounds inside your french press coffee maker for a smoother brew to mellow out the acidity in the coffee. Throw coffee grounds and eggs shells into your compost pile.

You do not boil egg shells if you are roughly crumble up egg shells to feed to chickens or wild birds.

Click here to read about Absolutely Outstanding List of Homesteading Ways to Use Empty Egg Shells:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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