Natural Beauty RecipesAmazing Natural Beauty Uses for Banana Peels

Amazing Natural Beauty Uses for Banana Peels

These amazing natural beauty uses for Banana peels makes a person open to lessons from the past . It is a good thing to always be open to new ideas from today’s culture, but keep your mind open also to old/natural beauty remedies and, banana peels is one of those things.

Amazing Natural Beauty Uses for Banana Peels

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It isn’t uncommon that the present day beauty trends were adopted from classical techniques and have been used by numerous cultures in the past. One of these natural surprising beauty trends is the use of banana peels.

This trend although strange to many in the present day have been used since ancient times and are still adopted by some individuals today. Here we bring you some of these amazing beauty uses for banana peels.

There have been tales of the amazing beauty benefits of bananas peels. So many people in various cultures around the world eat the skin from banana due to its potassium, fiber, and other nutritional benefits. With this knowledge, it seems wasteful to dispose of banana peels now.

1. Whitens Teeth

2. Dissolves Warts

3. Cures Acne

4. Reduces Blemishes

5. Soothes Mosquito Bites

6. Removes Skin Tags

7. Removes Splinters

8. Diminishes Wrinkles and Fine Lines

9. Treats Psoriasis

10. Soothes Puffy Eyes

There are ways you can make use of the banana peels without actually eating the skins.

You can make good use of the amazing potassium-rich antioxidant outer layers to; whitened your teeth, combat puffy eyes, reduce wrinkles, moisturize and brighten your skin. All these amazing benefits should make the peel a must-have in your beauty routine.

Banana Face Mask:

Directions: Take a ripe banana and mash it with a spoon or a fork in a bowl till it forms a smooth lump free pulp. Add 1 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of lemon juice and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Wash your face with a mild soap and use a soft towel to pat it dry. Rub the mask into your face, using your clean fingers. If needed apply a second coat to make the ingredients penetrate deep into skin pores. Wait for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water without using any soap this time. You will cheer up seeing your glowing face. Voila!

Teeth Whitener: Rub the inside of your banana peel on your teeth to whiten them. Apparently, the manganese, magnesium and potassium helps whiten the enamel of your teeth.

Wart Cure: It only takes 1-2 weeks to remove a wart with a banana peel.

Itch Soother: Banana peels can help relieve bug bites and poison ivy. It won’t remove the oils that cause the itching but it’ll soothe the bite or rash altogether.

Splinter Removal: Banana peels help ease splinters out of your skin. Place banana peel on a splinter with athletic tape for a while and then try to ease the splinter out.

Bruise Patrol: Banana peels on the inside, if rubbed on a bruise, will aid in making it disappear.

Acne: Banana peels rubbed on your acne will help in the acne curing process.

Dry Skin Cure: If you have psoriasis, try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on your affected areas twice a day and you’ll see the dry scaly skin dissipate.

Hemorrhoid Cure: Yup, you guessed it. As with acne, banana peels help cure hemorrhoids.

Banana Peel Message: Leave a message for your child on their banana peel by pricking out letters with a toothpick, the skin will bruise and there will be a dark brown message for your sweetie by lunchtime.

Anti Depressant: Researchers have found that drinking boiled banana peel water (or juicing the peel) can ease depression.

Click here to read about these amazing natural beauty uses for Banana peels:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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