Check out this amazing tree house built with recycled materials. This is an amazing project. The tree house is built around the growing tree trunk and the tree continues to grow. with limbs and top growing out through the roof.
The tree house has two stories and even an outdoor old timey porch on the second story. My Modern Met shares the history and loads of photos both inside and out of this amazing tree house. On the history of the tree house they say ” Jean Paul Lespagnard and Maine-based artist Ethan Hayes-Chute collaborated on this unique concept, entitled Dig For Victory, as part of the 2010 Hyères fashion festival.”
Looking at the pictures I absolutely love the wicker chair they have outside. Indoors they have even installed a wood burning stove. The whole place is built out of wood, antiques and other found objects and is 15 x 17 x 21 feet. I know for sure that kids would love but I bet more than just this adult wouldn’t mind having this amazing tree house to spend time in.
If this seems a bit much for you to build for your kids but you still wish to build them a tree house check out these two different diy tree house projects that are geared for kids. Building of a Hideout Treehouse and this one Build Your Kids A Tree House That Will Let Them Grow.