How to create Apple Bird Seed Bird Feeders Craft Project to hang outdoors on living trees like holiday ornaments that help feed birds during the time of year when food is so hard to find.

People love to give feed to birds. Every day, it feels really good to see then peck it out of your hand and they are fun to know about while watching them. So, why not create bird feeders that are attractive and good for birds? These DIY bird feeders are a creative craft project for people of all ages. They are quite easy to create and birds really love it. Apples are delicious and its shape makes them perfect to create bird feeders.
Get the following: two cups of birdseed, 2/3 cups of water, 2 packets of unflavored gelatin, 4 apples, 8 small screws, and twine. Then, do the following. Pour water in a pot to a boil, add to it gelatin, and stir well until it has completely dissolved. Then, mix the birdseed in. Slice the apples lengthwise in to two halves and create a hollow in the middle with a spoon. Fill each half apple with the bird seed mixture, put on a sheet pan, and stick in the fridge for 1-2 hours. Insert a small screw in each apple from the top and tie the screw with a small twine piece. Finally, hang them outside on your porch or balcony.
Time for birds to enjoy!
This is a wonderful project to do for the kids, especially in the fall and spring. It is not just a regular bird feeder that you can buy. Bird feeders hanging from a sweet apple serves up something pleasing to passing birds.
Click here to read about how to make Apple Bird Seed Bird Feeders Craft Project: