Would you like to live in an arched cabin? This company in Texas makes them and sells them by length and width. Evidently you can get ” a 16-foot wide, 20-foot long cabin giving you 320 square feet of space for $4,400. However, that price only includes the structural ribs, ridge beam, roof paneling, flooring and R13 insulation. Necessities such as the foundation and end caps add around $3,000, and there’s also a delivery charge of two dollars per mile of distance from the manufacturer’s location.” Not too bad but the inside is probably going to cost some. The one in the picture sure looks like it would be nice to live in. Tiny House For Us shares more info and a link to the company that makes the arched cabins.
Click here to see more pictures>> http://tinyhousefor.us/builders/arched-cabin-for-5k/