Check out this awesome earthbag room diy project. They made the room from earthbags, the ceiling is done with pallets. They also have a rocket stove with a radiant heated floor and the floor is finished with the paper bag method except they used construction paper in all colors then stained it dark and it looks amazing.

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My Little Homestead shares the video showing how they made this room. I love the way they took really fine sand to make the area around the rocket stove with inset tiles. This would be so inexpensive to build and I am pretty sure it would be a nice snug room with plenty of warmth since it has 12 feet of pipe under the floor that is connected to the rocket stove.
The folks bought a little one bedroom house to start and they have teenage kids. Instead of building a house with a mortgage they built lofts for the kids and this earthbag room is for one of their sons. They now have earthbag bedrooms in a sort of semi-circle in the back yard of the house. So it is kind of like their own little village. They have other videos n youtube if you want to check them out, just look up My Little Homestead.
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