CrochetBeautiful Crochet Butterfly Shawl

Beautiful Crochet Butterfly Shawl

Bring your love of crochet to bear on making this beautiful crochet butterfly shawl. Crocheting is one of the fastest growing activities these days and it is being enjoyed by an increasingly younger crowd.

Beautiful Crochet Butterfly Shawl
by ivillarreal1997

It used to be that mostly older ladies who had plenty of time on their hands used to be the ones who crocheted. Now, there is an ever growing group of younger people discovering the enjoyment of crocheting.  The pattern is shared on Ravelry. There are multiple pictures on the shawl submitted by folks who have used the pattern. The one here in the picture was crocheted by ivillarreal1997. The creator of the pattern was really interested in helping other people who enjoy crocheting to be able to put their love of crocheting to good use and make something as useful as a beautiful shawl. The information in the pattern is presented in a way that makes it really easy to follow.

Benefits of reading and following Beautiful Crochet Butterfly Shawl

Discover how easy the pattern will make it for you to be able to make your own shawl.
The pattern includes a complete listing of all of the materials and supplies that are needed to get started.
It also includes a complete, easy to follow stitch by stitch instruction guide on how to make it.
There are numerous full-color pictures that help to provide a good visual reference.

Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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