This list of the best climbing flowering vine plants for garden arbors and pergolas will help the homesteading gardener to pick and choose their favorites.

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A pergola is a frame structure designed for supporting climbing plants. This structure typically consists of posts or colonnades with a latticework roof. Some gardeners prefer to use pergolas as a trellis which can either be installed to protect an outdoor living space or simply used over a walkway. Plants that require minimal care and are capable of growing rapidly to cover the structure are suitable options for a pergola.
Apart from their varying appearance, many of these plants and vines also have different growing habits and size. As flowering vines, many of these plants are capable of beautifying the landscape. For year-round color, you can combine several blooming pergola plants together particularly those that can bloom in different seasons. As a matter of fact, you must ensure that the pergola structure can effectively support the weight of your climbers before you even set out to plant them.

Depending on your growing conditions and the climatic condition of your region, there are different varieties of pergola plants to choose from including:
climbing hydrangea
golden hops
butterfly pea
tropical bleeding heart
bleeding heart
sweet pea
morning glory
trumpet vine
grape vine
passion flower
Click here to read about the best climbing flowering vine plants for garden arbors: