Essential OilsBest Homemade Repellent FLY SPRAY Recipe

Best Homemade Repellent FLY SPRAY Recipe

This is the best homemade repellent fly spray recipe will be an amazing tool to keep those pesky little pests from livestock animals on the homestead.

If you have been around farm animals like cows, horses, sheep and others you know that they are constantly dealing with hoards of flies. Whether they are the small, annoying house fly or the most more aggressive biting variety, they are all make life uncomfortable for your animals.

Best Homemade Repellent FLY SPRAY Recipe

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There are a number of fly repellent products available on the market, but the majority of them contain potentially toxic chemicals that pose serious dangers to livestock. This article shows how easy it is to make your own all natural fly spray.


apple cider vinegar

mineral oil

lemongrass essential oil

bitter orange oil essential oil

citronella essential oil

eucalyptus essential oil

clove essential oil

dish soap

A number of combinations of essential oils and an animal safe base liquid to ensure that it would not harm them. After several tries, they finally found the best combination of all of the ingredients to make a successful spray.

Benefits of following the Best Homemade Repellent FLY SPRAY Recipe

● Make your own, all natural homemade fly repellent and your animals will love you

● The recipe includes a complete list of all of the ingredients that you will need to have on hand

● It also includes a complete instruction guide which includes the exact amount of each ingredient to mix together

Click here to read about Best Homemade Repellent FLY SPRAY Recipe:

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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