These Best Smelling Gardening Flowers Plants Shrubs Vines and Trees for Homesteading Garden will delight your senses with an intensely fragrant burst for your nose.
We would all love to grow beautiful plants that have the most natural smell, not even an air freshener can duplicate. They stand in your garden or even around the vine by the front door, making a pleasant walk in and out.
These are some of the best smelling plats to have:
Daphne is a shrub with small white and pink flowers where the wonderful smell exits out. They bloom in the spring.
Wisteria blooms purple flowers and grows high up the thick vine.
Honeysuckle is another vine plant, but with unusual flowers, appearing in yellow, pink, and white.
Hyacinth has flowers grow in bulbs, planted in the fall and blossom in different colors including blue, purple, pink, and white.
Roses, the most common of all flowers, has its own notable fragrant in different varieties.
One of the other well-known flowers is Gardenia, which is highly scented. It is a beautiful shrub with bright green leaves and white flowers.
Freesias are also bulbs with the same amount of fragrantly and are elegant to have.
In the South, Jasmine is these beautiful vines with fragrant white flowers.
Going away from plants and vines, here’s a tree that fits the bill: Magnolia. It is a beautiful tree with large white flowers and a touch of pink.
Lilac bushes are known to attract butterflies and clusters of flowers, coming in mainly purple or white.
Finally, there is Peony. The Peony is a special plant that is known to bloom every for up to 75 years.
Daphne mezereum DAPHNE Shrub Seeds! Click here to View
2.5 Qt – Jubilation Gardenia Blooming Shrub, Quart, White, Green – Click here to View & Buy
Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine – Live Plant – 3 Inch Pot
1 Gallon Scentsation Honeysuckle (Lonicera) Live Shrub, Yellow Flowers and Red Berries
Confederate Jasmine Live Plant, 3 Gallon
Freesia Mix – 15 Bulbs to Buy
Stargazer Perennials Polka Rose Plant Potted Reblooming Fragrant Apricot Climbing Rose
30 Grape Hyacinth Bulbs-muscari Armeniacum, Called Grape Hyacinth
Saucer Magnolia Tree – Flowering Shrub Live Established
Sensation Lilac ( syringa ) – Live Plant – Quart Pot
1 Gallon Sarah Bernhardt Peony, Pink Peonies, 2-3 Eyes Live Plant