Best and Worst Plants For Folks With Allergies, Get Rid Of The Bad Ones So You Can Plant Some Good Ones
With spring comes allergy season. As plants start to bloom, the pollen count increases, causing those of us suffering with allergies to experience itchy eyes, runny noses, and overall discomfort. But did you know that you can control the amount of pollen around your home simply by planting allergy-friendly plants?
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To help allergy sufferers, Thomas Ogren created the Ogren Plant Allergy Scale (OPALS), which ranks plants from 1-10. Plants ranked 1 or 2 have very little potential for causing allergies, while plants ranked 9 or 10 are the most allergenic and can often cause hay fever or asthma.
For a quick reference to some of the best and worst plants for allergies, FTD created a guide which lists the 24 best and worst plants for allergies, so this season you’ll be able to determine at a glance which plants to avoid and which plants to grow.
This is a good time to have this handy guide because for most of us it is not time for planting quite yet so we have time to decide and be ready to get rid of the bad plants and be ready to plant the ones that won’t keep our noses running all spring and summer.
Read more and see the guide>>>>>
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