HomesteadingBlackstrap Molasses Has Amazing Health Benefits

Blackstrap Molasses Has Amazing Health Benefits

Blackstrap molasses has amazing health benefits and homesteaders can use it in back to the basics homemade baking recipe for delicious flavor. Molasses is a viscous by product of the refining of sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar. Molasses is an amazing sweetener.

Blackstrap Molasses Has Amazing Health Benefits

Nutrients in Blackstrap Molasses:
2.00 tsp (13.67 grams)
Nutrient%Daily Value
vitamin B65%
Calories (32)1%

Its high iron content, many use blackstrap molasses to holistically overcome anemia. Iron is essential to creating red blood cells. In addition to iron, blackstrap molasses contains folate, a natural source for folic acid, along with some other B vitamins, which all combine to form the synergistic mix that promotes red blood cell production.

Synthetic folic acid, by the way, is considered toxic by knowledgeable nutritionists and even some biochemists.

Then there is magnesium in abundance, along with calcium. Both are densely packaged within this natural food source. Magnesium is important for balancing with calcium for bone production and energy. It is necessary for the smooth function of our nervous system and maintaining heart health.

Insufficient magnesium levels can result in muscle spasms, including the heart muscle, which of course relates to arrhythmia or even heart attacks.

Potassium is another mineral abundant in blackstrap molasses. A deficiency in potassium results in weak muscles and is considered a factor in causing arthritis. Potassium also helps maintain a calmly functioning nervous system.

It too is important for the nervous system and heart health. Even the American Heart Association has included unsulphured blackstrap molasses as a food supportive of good heart health.

Manganese, a trace mineral, is very high in content with unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Manganese ions function with a number of enzymes, and are essential to combating unusual free radicals. Like magnesium, manganese also supports cellular absorption of nutrients, and is also beneficial to the nervous system.

This trace mineral also helps synthesize fatty acids and stabilize blood sugar levels. It’s true that too much manganese can be toxic. But it takes consistent breathing of manganese dust from industrial sources for that to happen.

In abundance are also copper and zinc. Zinc has been tagged as the male mineral because it helps support a healthy prostate. Working with zinc, copper helps eliminate the oxidation damage of superoxides.

100% Natural, 100% Pure, Molasses, Blackstrap, Unsulfured, Organic, 15 oz Cheaper than 16 oz with shipping !

Golden Barrel Bulk Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses, 1 Gallon Jug

I know I have added a drop or two to a colicky babies bottle and it works like a charm but wow at all the benefits to get from this. I am definitely adding more to our diets.

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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