ChickensBoost Chickens Health With Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar

Boost Chickens Health With Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar

This method of how to boost chickens health with garlic and apple cider vinegar can be an amazing tool in keeping your chickens spry.

Boost Chickens Health With Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar

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The title doesn’t lie. Both of those things can improve a chicken’s health. It seems strange, but the benefits are really good for chickens. How and why, is being asked.

Putting garlic and apple cider vinegar in their water will prevent illnesses and infections, worms, and other unattractive things. Garlic is also a stimulant for egg laying, helping hens to lay more and more eggs. In addition, garlic is an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-worm ingredient. As for apple cider vinegar, it boosts energy and calcium, improves the immune system and digestion, and a big source for probiotics. If you see a chicken is sick, given them garlic and apple cider vinegar in their water. Make sure the garlic is crushed and dissolved in the water.

With dosage, start low and add it little by little. Consider 1 crushed garlic and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar for the first few days, and then bump it up to 3 cloves crushed garlics and a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar. Try once a week, and then raise it multiple days in a week.

In terms of the brand of apple cider vinegar, get one that is raw and unfiltered. With onions, if it doesn’t work in the water, nixed in the feed they eat out of.

It is also good with baby chicks with a dash of honey. The combination of the three will help chicks with any stress when being shipped. (Yes, even baby chicks can be stressed like us humans.) All of this is beneficial to chickens and hens, despite the oddity of the ingredients. So, go ahead and start feeding them garlic and apple vinegar cider.

Click here to read about how to boost chickens health with garlic and apple cider vinegar:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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