If you like brie cheese then you probably know it is a bit expensive to buy. Now you can make your own brie right in your kitchen and cuts the cost way down. You can make it with cow or goats milk, some who have it use raw milk but you can use pasteurized.
Splendid Table shares their method of making brie at home ans suggest placing molds on cookie sheets with hole for draining and flipping the whole thing over a few times to re situate the curds during the draining of the whey.
I am thinking it would take some kind of talent to do this without sending brie all over the kitchen and I am pretty sure I do not possess this mad talent so I looked for another way of draining the whey that wouldn’t be quite as much of a challenge. I found it on Making Sense of Things. They set the molds on top of upside down plates that sit in a tray and so to flip you could just put another plate on top and flip one mold at a time.
This I can do. So if you love brie and would like to make your own check out both of these articles and you can soon be making brie in your kitchen. Splendid Table shows you how.