If you are ever in a situation where someone has broken a bone or dislocated a joint and you are not going to be able to get them medical help right away this might help you to be able to handle the situation, at least until medical help can be found. This is an interesting article and I learned something from it that I never knew. I know we have all seen movies scenes where someone dislocated a shoulder or broke a bone and you always see the person trying to help has to pull on the affected bone or arm to the shoulder joint.
I have even seen the puller bracing a foot against the bed or sofa where the person with the dislocated joint is lying and I always though wow it seems like if they are pulling that hard on your arm it might break it as well. It turns out that the reason they have to pull and pull hard is because when you have a break or dislocation the muscles around it contract tightly to protect the dislocation or break. So what the pulling is actually doing is stretching the muscles so that the ends of the bone can fit back together or the joint can pop back into place.Sometimes it is very hard to get the muscles to loosen and that is why they need to pull longer and harder.
So now it makes sense what they are doing when they are pulling. The Survival Doctor shares this great info on what to do in case of a broken bone or a dislocated joint and he gives us advise on whether we should try to treat it or not and signs to look for that would show that you should try to prevent more damage. Very interesting and great information to know.