DIY ProjectsBuild Your Own 5 Gallon Bucket Outdoor Sink

Build Your Own 5 Gallon Bucket Outdoor Sink

The reusing of household water outdoors is a method that has been gaining traction among the green crowd and homesteaders. There are a number of ways that gray water can be used to have cut down on the amount of drinking water that you use. This article was designed to introduce the reader to a very useful way to collect and reuse household drain water.

Build Your Own 5 Gallon Bucket Outdoor Sink

This article on Five Gallon Idea. There is also a video by 2 Brothers that will show you how they put together a very cool camp sink with 5 gallon buckets. The sink has a pump so that you can pimp the water with your foot, the bottom bucket holds the clean water that gets pumped to the faucet and then the top bucket holds the grey water until you can empty it. I like this idea. I have seen folks using square buckets of water that you just lay on the edge of a picnic table and turn the spout to let the water out. These work fine until a youngster leaves the spout on. Then you have no water plus a mud puddle below the sink. This seems a lot less wasteful.

Benefits of reading the DIY Project: Build Your Own 5 Gallon Bucket Outdoor Sink

Discover how easy it is to make your own gray water outdoor sink that is eco-friendly.
The article describes all of the necessary materials, supplies and tools needed to get started.
It also includes a very detailed video that provides a thorough presentation of all of the steps on the construction.
There are also numerous full color pictures that additional background information on the project.

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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.


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