Learn how to build a glow in the dark table. Follow this tutorial and you can turn a slab of wood into a beautiful glow in the dark table. The wood used in the tutorial was a wood called pecky cypress which has small spots in the wood which have been damaged by a fungal growth and cane be scraped out since the areas are soft. I would think that if you can’t find this wood you could probably drill or cut spaces in the wood to add the glow in the dark substance.
   The table looks beautiful after the color is added and then sanded and poly urethane-ed. Then you just let the sun charge it and it will glow up to twenty minutes. I think it is really pretty, wish it would glow for longer but if you use the pecky cypress it looks really beautiful even when it is not glowing.

Click here to see the tutorial>>>Â Â http://www.instructables.com/id/Glow-table/?ALLSTEPS
Click here to view the photo gallery of pecky cypress projects>>>Â Â Â http://floridacypress.com/gallery/pecky-cypress