This tutorial of how to build a composting toilet with urine separation project is shared in hopes to help those living off grid or a homesteader have a toilet that does not require connection to any type of external sewage system.

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More and more people are discovering the true benefits of homesteading and off grid living. The concept of being self-reliant and self-sufficient appeals to them and is the ultimate challenge.
While homesteading does not necessarily mean living completely off grid, but some may use certain aspects of it in order to keep costs low. This article was will introduce the reader to a highly useful household item for homesteaders.
Most everything you will need can easily be gotten from almost local supply or hardware stores. While the project is fairly easy to follow, it does require a bit of DIY skills to complete.
Benefits of reading and following the Build an Off the Grid Composting Toilet with Urine Separation DIY Project
● The project describes all of the materials, supplies and tools needed to get started
● It also includes a complete, easy to follow step by step instruction guide covering to to build it
● You also find several full color pictures that provide a good visual of several of the steps
Click here to read about how to build a composting toilet with urine separation project :
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