If you have a baby girl who will soon out grow her crib why not build her a toddler bed that looking like a mini fainting couch. I think these are super adorable and I like that they are made of wood instead of plastic. Since you are making it yourself you can choose the color and pattern for the fabric so you can match it to a theme room or just to a color scheme. These little fainting couches look so cute and it is built to use the crib mattress just like a toddler bed. Sawdust And Embryos shares the instructions and lots of pictures in a three-part tutorial. They actually built two for their little girls and they look really cute in the room.

Toddler Bed Inspiration/Construction {Part 1)>>>> http://www.sawdustandembryos.com/2013/09/inspiration-and-construction-of-toddler-beds-part-1.html