This is an excellent diy project for folks that have a small space but that also need an extra bed sometimes. A folding coffee table that converts to a bed is perfect for when you don’t have or need an extra room but do need an extra bed occasionally. Instead of having to store a cot or one of those blow up beds you can just fold this up and use it as a coffee table until the next time you need an extra bed. This would be really nice if you do have a spare room but maybe a couple comes for the weekend and they have a child. I think it could even work in a kids room to hold books and things and then when they have a friend sleep over, just take the books or toys off and open it up at bed time. It would provide a bed without taking up the space that a bed would all the time. Rockler shares the instructions for building this coffee table that converts to a bed. Another nice thing about it is that it is on wheels so you could wheel it to where ever you wanted the bed to be when you opened it up. Neat project.