GardeningBuild A Layered Garden Bed For No More Digging

Build A Layered Garden Bed For No More Digging

Build A Layered Garden Bed For No More Digging, Less Watering and Less Weeding

A lot of folks dread the gardening because of all the digging to get started. With this layered garden you won’t need to be digging and you will do a lot less weeding and watering as well. If you make it a raised garden with a box frame surrounding it will warm up a lot sooner too. The layers consist of blood meal and bone meal, alfalfa hay, straw, newspaper and compost.

Build A Layered Garden Bed For No More Digging

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The blood meal provides nitrogen and the bone meal provide phosphorus which helps the straw and hay breakdown and provide nutrients to your plants. Another bonus to a layered garden is that once the plants are well established you will not need to do nearly as much watering as a regular garden takes. So you make your box frame add all the layers in the amounts listed and not only did you do no digging but you will do far less weeding and less watering.

You will have a great garden because all of the layers will be breaking sown under the plants and feeding them. This instructions for how to build a layered garden are from Rodales’ Organic Life. So now that you see how much easier a layered garden is to have there is no reason not to grow some fresh vegetables and enjoy them through the season.

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Paige Raymond
Paige Raymond
Raised in rural Montana and educated in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Development, Paige Raymond combines a practical mindset with a passion for self-reliance and sustainability. With expertise ranging from mechanical solutions and food preservation to emergency preparedness and renewable energy, Paige is a proud author with more than 5000 published articles.

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