Build ItBuild A Natural Self Cleaning Swimming Pool

Build A Natural Self Cleaning Swimming Pool

Learn how you can build a natural pool in your backyard that will need to harsh chemicals as it will be a self-cleaning pool that is one with nature. The pool is either dug or built and a wall is made between the swimming area and the aquatic plants that will be added around the pool. The wall will come almost to the surface but not quit out of the water. This wall will keep the plants from entering the pool but water can still go over and into the plant area. The plants act as a biological filter for the pool. The water in the plant area also gets warm so it will provide a home to frogs and dragon flies who will in turn eat the mosquitos and entertain the kids.


You can learn all about how to build your own natural swimming pool from Mother Earth News. They tell us ” A natural pool can he constructed for as little as $2,000 if you do it yourself, while conventional pools can cost tens of thousands of dollars.) Natural swimming pools require no harmful chemicals, are fairly low-tech, and once established call for only a modicum of management. You won’t have to drain the pool each autumn. Except for topping it off now and then, you’ll fill the pool only once.”  If you have ever been swimming in a lake or pond, I imagine this would be similar except there wouldn’t be any fish nibbling at your toes. Who else used to get totally freaked out when a fish would kiss your leg?  There are  also some creative ways folks have made pools that are much less expensive than have an inground pool.  This one is really neat,  How One Family Made Cooling Swimming Pool From a Livestock Tank  and this one is perfect if you only have a long narrow space to put a pool. Build A Pool Out Of Dumpster. Inexpensive and yet you get to enjoy some refreshing water on those hot summer days.


See how to >>>>>>>    Build A Natural Self Cleaning Swimming Pool

Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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