How to build a PVC plastic pipe tomato cage garden project is detailed in this step by step gardening tutorial which creates a strong vertical structure. One of the most important parts of growing tomatoes is knowing that in order to give each plant the opportunity it needs to produce the most juicy fruit, it has to be contained within a sturdy structure like a trellis or cage.
The more space it has to spread out, the larger the tomatoes can grow.
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The cage can be made from a number of different materials, but PVC pipe is one of the most popular with the Do It Yourselfer.
Materials and Tools needed:
—21-10′ pieces of 1/2″ PVC pipe
—8 -X shaped PVC connectors for 1/2″ PVC
—38 -T shaped PVC connectors for 1/2″ PVC
—a tape measure
—duct tape
—a marker, such as a sharpie
—an electric saw of some sort (I used a miter saw)
Click here to read about how to build a PVC plastic pipe tomato cage garden project: