ChickensBuild a Walk In Open Air Chicken Coop DIY Project

Build a Walk In Open Air Chicken Coop DIY Project

This amazing tutorial of how to build a walk in open air chicken coop diy project is perfect for secure free range chicken roaming. The coop can fit nicely at the back of your yard. There are two walls that are constructed by using cinder blocks and then the other two walls are made by making some rather simple wooden frames.

Build a Walk In Open Air Chicken Coop DIY Project

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You want to have some chickens for those nice fresh eggs whenever you want and perhaps for some tasty home raised chicken meat from time to time. So this naturally mean that you need a chicken coop for your fine chickens.

In the guide that is presented, you will enjoy being able to have really great details about how to build your very own open air walk in chicken coop. It is best to have a coop like this for your chickens, because if you don’t, you will soon find out that the chickens will roam everywhere and will have a great time eating the tasty things in your garden. Indeed they will make a real mess of it.

This chicken coop is great for about three or four chicken and offers eighteen by thirteen feet of space for them to be able to run and roost. They will have enough space and should find the area to be quite comfortable.

The project is easy to do and very cost effective. It should be relatively quick to get done when you follow all the instructions exactly as they are laid out for you and when you have all the supplies mentioned that are needed for this interesting chicken coop project.

Click here to read about how to build a walk in open air chicken coop diy project:

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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