Raising LivestockBuild Automatic Chicken Flock Feeder DIY Project

Build Automatic Chicken Flock Feeder DIY Project

How to build automatic chicken flock feeder diy project is simple to make, frugal materials and helps reduce waste of chicken feed.

Build Automatic Chicken Flock Feeder DIY Project

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This simple automatic chicken feeder has a lot going for it. It keeps the chicken’s food out of the weather. It makes feeding chickens a weekly or monthly task instead of a daily affair. It makes the chickens responsible for feeding themselves.

This is a simple device but it combines a lot of technology that has been learned over the ages. The construction details below are an epitome of the concepts of self sufficiency. The little device is truly ingenious. It saves the chicken owner time and money. It also keeps the chickens happier and healthier.

Homesteaders raise chickens for the eggs and meat. This chicken feeder helps the process along considerably. The scale of the feeder is based on the weight of the average adult chicken. A little modification in the lid, pedal, and lifting mechanism may be necessary for small birds.

The instructions are very explicit and should be followed exactly. People who have never worked with metal before should pay special attention to the cutting and bending instructions. Gloves that are flexible but protective are necessary to prevent metal cuts.

The instructions tell you how to train your chickens to use the feeder. Chickens are not dumb. The information indicates that one training session is probably all that will be needed to train your chickens to use the feeder.

If you have a lot of chickens then, build more feeders. The single unit can handle about four chickens at a time.

Materials and Tools needed:

.6 galv sheet or 1.6 aluminum

2 hinges

pop rivets and a rivet gun

tin snips

big square

6 bolts and locking nuts

6mm drill

3mm drill

3mm X 12mm flat aluminum



sheet metal folder or brake

sheet metal guillotine is also very useful

spot welder can also be used if you wish

Build Automatic Chicken Flock Feeder DIY Project
Automatic Treadle Feeder for Chickens (Buy Here – Amazon)

The chicken feeder will last for a long time. The materials are weather resistant. The basic idea is a lever. This is a great idea that saves time for people and treats animals humanely.

Click here to read about how to build automatic chicken flock feeder diy project:


Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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