This how to Build DC Battery Powered Refrigerator Off The Grid Project shares how use alternative self sufficient energy to power a refrigerator.

What is a DC Refrigerator? It is an appliance in which main power used is converted from AC to DC internally to direct-DC power. DC-generating power sources (solar, generator or battery bank) will power DC appliances directly.
Direct Current (DC) appliances are especially popular with the off the grid homesteaders since they do not use regular high-voltage alternating current (AC) as a source of power. DC appliances are also better for energy consumption, operating with a quarter or less energy than AC appliances run at.
You can convert your present refrigerator or freezer to DC which would save on your electric bill considerably.
All you need to do is remove the present electrical components and have them replaced. If you are an electrician or have knowledge about this, you can do it yourself. Otherwise, I would suggest that you hire a professional to have it done for you.
The next time you need to replace your refrigerator or freezer, you may want to consider purchasing a DC appliance rather than an AC appliance. The trick with these appliances are in the insulation. DC equipment comes with twice and sometimes quadruple the amount of insulation than a regular AC refrigerator or freezer. This helps to hold in the cold and requires less energy to function.
Completed units are fairly expensive but it saves you in the long run. You can convert your present unit for half the cost however as all you need to have done is to change out the electrical components. Though, a ready-made appliance may have a longer life span than a converted appliance.
These units can be set to either a refrigerator temperature or a freezer temperature so at any one point, you can have both. Off The Grid Living is possible with a little planning.
Click here to read about how to Build DC Battery Powered Refrigerator Off The Grid Project: