Bug Out BagBuild Disaster Preparedness Backpack Bug Out Bag BOB

Build Disaster Preparedness Backpack Bug Out Bag BOB

How to Build Disaster Preparedness Backpack Bugout Bag shares why to have, what to put inside and how it will help you survive.

Build Disaster Preparedness Backpack Bug Out Bag BOB

In short, disasters can at any time and having an emergency pack for major disasters, from hurricanes to an apocalypse (that may be a stretch), is necessary at this time. With so much uncertainty, be prepared.

So, here it is in a nutshell what to have in the event of a massive natural disaster or war that suddenly erupts at home. There are the risks of earthquakes, blizzards that shut down the state, and nuclear threats by North Korea. Live along the Atlantic or Gulf Coast?

Hurricanes are massive and the water is coming more in shore than before. In the big cities, where they are targets for possible terrorist attacks or anything catastrophic, get a big backpack ready when escaping the city under siege. Think of every possible disaster.

Now, move onto time length, as in how may days or weeks (if not months) will you be on the road trying to survive after a major event. How many things should you carry in the pack? Also, look at things you can reuse in certain situations, like a fish rod, water bottle, tape, backup phone, and flashlight among other things.

Maybe you don’t need that many things because you are close to being rescued. There a dozen ways to plan this out.

The same thing with personal skills? Can you cook, start a fire, clean, climb, know first aid? Are you a survivalist? Can you shoot a gun? And, ask yourself about the people you will be with, like family and friends? There’s a ton of things to go into, but, during any free moments, look at it because anything can happen at any given moment.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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