CompostingBuild A Double Decker Drum Composting System

Build A Double Decker Drum Composting System

This step by step tutorial of how to build a double decker drum composting system that is easy to build as well as use.  The drums easily spin allowing the composting material move infusing it with oxygen which increases the decomposing process.


I am impressed that the drums are supported by a strong vertical stand making it easier to reach with out a lot of back bending. That door flaps open easily to add vegetable scraps and securely closed to keep out any animals.

Composting is one of the best ways to provide some natural nutrients and fertilizer for your plants and beds. You can get most of your composting material for little to no cost as you throw in old food from your kitchen, leaves during the fall, and even your lawn clippings.

You will find that your compost pile doesn’t take long to grow as you put all of these together. The only problem you may find is where you would want to house your pile of compost to keep your yard looking neat and orderly. One of those ways is through a composter that you can make yourself without spending tons of money on those you can find at your local plant store.

You can build one that’s even more useful by creating a double-decker that will allow you to grow your compost pile even more. So, what are the materials you will need for this project? Well, the first part involves having some posts and beams for the frame of your composter. You will want to purchase these posts and beams with pressure treatment to keep them lasting longer. Then, you will need two barrels that you can also purchase at your local hardware store. While you are there, you should also pick up some poles, cement, hinges, handles, and barrel locks along with some washers and screws to hold everything in place Once you have all of these materials together, you are ready to make your double-decker composter within your backyard.

You will find some great instructions below to help you along the way.

Click here to read how to build a double decker drum composting system:


The same creative creator of this project also built “Build a Rain Water Collector System with 55 Gallon Plastic Barrels” DIY project … click here to view it.

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Melissa Francis
Melissa Francis
Greetings! I'm Melissa Francis, the founder and primary contributor to The Homestead Survival. With over 20 years of experience in homesteading, sustainability, and emergency preparedness, I've dedicated my life to helping others achieve a simpler, more self-reliant lifestyle.

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