How to build glass mason jar bird feeder diy project can be made with a combination of repurposed and new items.
The step by step tutorial is quick and simple to accomplish in a single afternoon.

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A major part of the self-sufficiency lifestyle is creating something useful and artistic from what you have. The idea is that you can use your intuition and creative spark to make what you want instead of spending a fortune to buy something that does not work as well as the things that you can make yourself. You get the pride of accomplishment and your homemade stuff looks better because you can decorate it like you want.
The following is a unique and extremely simple way to make a bird feeder. People love bird feeders because the little devices bring birds up close. Birds are fascinating because they fly.
The heart of this bird feeder is the old canning staple, the mason jar. The jar is large enough to keep enough bird food in it so changing the feeder does not need to be done that often.
The feeder part is a poultry feeder. You will have to buy these unless you raise poultry and already have some spares. The poultry feeder has screw threads that fit the screw threads on the Mason jar. The idea is not to fill the jar completely so that the air in the jar produces a vacuum that keeps the bird food liquid inside. The design works for solid food as well.
The top is a metal plate. You can pick a color or paint the top any way you want. The top glues to the bottom of the Mason jar. The hanger can be any type of hook that can be fastened to the plate or glued to it.
All the details are shown below. This is a really simple way to make a bird feeder that costs next to nothing, lasts forever, and can be tailored to any area.
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